Preparing the presentation
Each presentation will be 15 mins in length with five minutes for questions from the audience. In line with the suggested structure for abstracts, a slide for each of the following will suffice:
Following the same suggested structure for the abstract and presentation, the poster also includes an outline of essential elements of your scholarship or research project. Those opting for a poster submission are welcome to be as creative as they choose.
A1 poster dimensions: 594x841mm
Use PowerPoint to create your poster using the A1 dimensions then save as a PDF.
The dimensions of an A1 sized poster are: 594x841mm. When designing your poster, the following suggested template is provided but you are welcome to be as creative as you choose. Regardless of whether you choose to use the template provided or take a more creative approach, the suggested setup is to use a PowerPoint slide that is sized to A1 dimensions. When your poster is complete, save as a PDF ready for printing. Printing will be free of charge for conference participants and notifications of acceptance will provide more details about the printing process.
Creative Works
The Creative Works stream is focused on reflective inquiry and will comprise two tracks: Reflective inquiry through art; and Reflective inquiry through performance.
Submissions for the Creative Works stream may include an exhibition of artworks, dramatic performance, a video recording of a performance, display/demonstration of painting or ceramic creations, or some form of music or fashion creation/demonstration/performance. Participants are welcome to be creative in how Creative Works are presented but to be included in the program, a 250 words abstract/outline is required for the submission.